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Waterloo West High Class of '95 - 20 Year Reunion

June 12th - June 14th 2015

Waterloo, IA, USA

This event has already passed by. Sorry.

Event Description

Schedule of Events:

Friday June 12th 6PM - Meet and Greet social hour at The Screaming Eagle 228 E. 4th St. Waterloo.  The festivities continue as we head to My Waterloo Days to enjoy the music.

Saturday June 13th 8AM - Join us as we participate in the My Waterloo Days 5K at Kingsley elementary school. $20 registration fee required.  Click here to register.  Don't forget to wear your T-Shirts!

Saturday June 13th 1PM - Take a tour of your Alma Mater, meet at the front entrance of West High at 1pm.

Saturday June 13th 7PM-11PM - Party at the Boat House at 707 Park Rd in Waterloo with food, drinks, and entertainment.  Tickets required.  Purchase tickets above.  

Sunday June 14th 12PM - Family friendly potluck at Waterloo/Lost Island Waterpark KOA 4550 Hess Rd.  Bring the family and a dish to share.

***For Hotel accommodations, consider the Ramada in Waterloo.  Mention our Reunion for a discount!!

*For Sponsorship information contact Amy O'Brien

T-shirt orders can be picked up at any of the events during the weekend.  If you can not attend any of the reunion events but would like to order a T-shirt we are willing to ship them to you, just send your address to us via email:
T-Shirt orders must be in by May 1st!  

questions, comments or suggestions to

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Map of Event Location
June 12th, 2015  6:00 pmJune 14th, 2015  4:00 pm
